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Dr. med. Christian Gersch – Fokus auf Funktionelle Medizin

Meet Dr. Gersch

Meet Dr. Gersch

Dr. Gersch Published on 06/13/2024 by Dr. med. Christian Gersch
Dr. Gersch is a Kaiserslautern based concierge physican

I am a practicing physician. In my practice, my team and I adhere to the principles of functional medicine – focusing on identifying the root causes of illnesses, with the goal of promoting longevity.


I studied at the Universities of Gießen and Mainz. I completed my specialist training at the Westpfalz-Klinikum in Kaiserslautern and worked as an emergency physician in public ambulance services.

Personal Life

When I'm not working, you'll likely find me playing with my three children. Fridays are my "study days," where I delve into my extensive reading list of medical literature and studies. My hobby is programming, and all the software used in our practice is developed entirely by myself. I enjoy both humorous movies and profound books. As for snacks, I love chips (fortunately, these days they come with healthy ingredients – because I believe in "walking the talk").

Background: How do the roles as a physician and programmer align?

It all started when I couldn't find suitable (secure enough) software for digital patient communication during my doctoral thesis, for which I also won a research prize. Therefore, I had to develop one myself with state-of-the-art security standards.

By the way, I learned programming so well because I wasn't the best student initially. When I decided at 17 to become a doctor, the only way to secure a place in medical school was to excel in a natural science subject. Since mathematics wasn't exactly my forte, I chose to learn programming to achieve a high grade in computer science and meet the admission criteria.

As a trained specialist in anesthesiology, I diverted from my established career in intensive care medicine to pursue functional medicine. You can learn more about why I made this transition in my "Patient Handbook," which you will receive at your first appointment with us.

My Books

  • My Patient Handbook is provided to all patients at their first appointment. It includes my general recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. Please note, this book is not available for purchase – it is exclusively given to patients with whom there is a treatment relationship, allowing for individual follow-up questions.
  • You can find my Longevity Book in bookstores. It delves into my mindset on longevity and introduces you to the world of modern longevity medicine in detail.

Kurzfazit Conclusion

I am one of the medical specialists in Germany for lectin-free nutrition, respiratory therapy, and longevity medicine.

Any Questions?

Dr. Gersch

If you have any questions about this topic or wish to get a personal consultation with our practice, please schedule an appointment. Appointments can take place in our Kaiserslautern office or over the phone.

Existing patients may also contact us by using our app.

Articles on my website are intended for the information of my patients. They cannot replace my personal advice or the advice of another doctor. Please do not use the information provided here for the diagnosis or treatment of a disease. See me or another doctor if you have any illness, condition related to any of the topics discussed in this article. Discuss any changes in your lifestyle or your diet with a healthcare professional before implementing them. Food supplements may interact with over-the-counter or prescription drugs. If you are taking any medication, never stop taking it on your own, change its dose, or take any other medication / supplements without first consulting me or another doctor.

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