Lectins are vegetable food toxins that occur particularly in gluten-containing grains, nightshades and legumes. Normally the human body has defense mechanisms against these lectins. However, if they enter the bloodstream, they trigger the formation of antibodies. Autoimmune diseases are related to the presence of autoantibodies. This article describes the relationship between the consumption of lectin-containing foods and the occurrence/maintenance of autoimmune diseases.
Videokurs »Was ist ein Lektin?«
In Dr. Gerschs 0,- Euro Videokurs lernen Sie, was ein Lektin genau ist, wie dieses Ihrer Gesundheit schadet und was Sie dagegen unternehmen können!
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e full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give you an impression of the true length of the full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give you an impression of the true length of the full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give y
ou an impression of the true length of the full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give you an impression of the true length of the full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give you an impression of the true length of the full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give you an impression of the true length of the full article.This is a text written only for my patients. The actual text has been replaced by this filler text to give you an impression of the true length of the full article.
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