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Dr. med. Christian Gersch – Fokus auf Funktionelle Medizin

Meet Dr. Meike Möller

Meet Dr. Meike Möller

Dr. Gersch Published on 06/13/2024 by Dr. med. Christian Gersch
Dr. Gersch is a Kaiserslautern based concierge physican
Dr. Meike Möller is an employed physician at Dr. Gersch's practice.

Professional Background

Originally from the Ruhr area, she grew up in the Rhineland and studied medicine in Mainz, where she also earned her doctorate. Dr. Möller began her career in Kaiserslautern, working in internal medicine at the Westpfalz Klinikum and later in various general practices.

Special Interests

Dr. Möller has a strong interest in nutritional and preventive medicine. She enjoys working with patients who are motivated to improve their health and lifestyle, rather than simply taking a pill.

Personal Life

Outside of work, Dr. Möller enjoys spending time with her young son. For physical activity, she practices Pilates and maintains a personal interest in nutrition, following a lectin-free diet. She also has a passion for ballet, though family commitments currently limit her time for dancing. She looks forward to returning to it once her son is older.

Kurzfazit Conclusion

Dr. Möller has broad internal medicine training and extensive experience in various general practices. Her particular interests are in nutritional and preventive medicine.

Any Questions?

Dr. Gersch

If you have any questions about this topic or wish to get a personal consultation with our practice, please schedule an appointment. Appointments can take place in our Kaiserslautern office or over the phone.

Existing patients may also contact us by using our app.

Articles on my website are intended for the information of my patients. They cannot replace my personal advice or the advice of another doctor. Please do not use the information provided here for the diagnosis or treatment of a disease. See me or another doctor if you have any illness, condition related to any of the topics discussed in this article. Discuss any changes in your lifestyle or your diet with a healthcare professional before implementing them. Food supplements may interact with over-the-counter or prescription drugs. If you are taking any medication, never stop taking it on your own, change its dose, or take any other medication / supplements without first consulting me or another doctor.

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