Dr. Gersch's Knowledge Base | From Chronic Disease to Longevity

13 total videos in this archive (5:10 hours):

What happens inside the body when someone hyperventilates?
What happens inside the body when someone hyperventilates?
(11:04 min.)

Hyperventilation  Breathing  Oxygen  Hyperventilation  Breathing  Health  04.11.2024 

How does one develop chronic hyperventilation syndrome?
How does one develop chronic hyperventilation syndrome?
(17:03 min.)

Hyperventilation  Breathing  Stress  04.11.2024 

Chronological vs. Biological Age
Chronological vs. Biological Age
(66:43 min.)

Aging  Longevity  Health  Longevity  Aging  Health  Wellness  04.11.2024 

Welcome to the November edition of the Patient Support Program.
Welcome to the November edition of the Patient Support Program.
(3:37 min.)

Nutrition  Longevity  Health  04.11.2024 

How to do breathing exercises with our app.
How to do breathing exercises with our app.
(23:31 min.)

BreathingExercises  HealthTech  FunctionalMedicine  07.10.2024 

How to Use the Buteyko Table of Health Zones
How to Use the Buteyko Table of Health Zones
(8:46 min.)

Buteyko  Health  Zones  FunctionalMedicine  Buteyko  Breathing  07.10.2024 

Why are breathing exercises a core part of the Patient Support Program?
Why are breathing exercises a core part of the Patient Support Program?
(22:34 min.)

BreathingExercise  PatientSupport  Hyperventilation  07.10.2024 

Do the timeline exercise. (TASK for all members of the Program)
Do the timeline exercise. (TASK for all members of the Program)
(40:49 min.)

FunctionalMedicine  Longevity  Timeline  07.10.2024 

Welcome to the Patient Support Program Live Event.
Welcome to the Patient Support Program Live Event.
(2:00 min.)

FunctionalMedicine  PatientSupport  Community  07.10.2024 

Are organic bio eggs good enough?
Are organic bio eggs good enough?
(4:13 min.)

FunctionalMedicine  Mayo  OrganicEggs  Healthy  09.09.2024 

Lectin-Free Nutrition Plan
Lectin-Free Nutrition Plan
(91:51 min.)

FunctionalMedicine  NutritionPlan  LectinFree  09.09.2024 

Welcome to the Patient Support Program's First Edition.
Welcome to the Patient Support Program's First Edition.
(10:37 min.)

FunctionalMedicine  PatientSupport  HealthTips  09.09.2024 

From chronic disease to longevity
From chronic disease to longevity
(7:15 min.)

Longevity  Health  09.09.2024 

© Praxis Dr. Gersch, Trippstader Str. 110, 67663 Kaiserslautern | Tel. 0631 / 34 35 97 38 | Impressum | Datenschutz | Verträge hier kündigen | Kostenlose Video-Kompaktkurse mit Dr. Gersch | Youtube-Kanäle Autoimmunerkrankungen und Atemtherapie | TikTok